Caregiver Coaching

During coaching, we enhance your expertise as a caregiver or parent.

We are certified in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), which focuses on improving behavior by strengthening positive parental connections. Learn more about how fostering more “special time” together can help!

Coaching services include:

  • Improving the parent-child relationship using positive parenting strategies and discipline techniques

  • Understanding and effectively managing challenging behavior and difficult situations

  • Supporting language, play, social, emotional, and cognitive development

  • Addressing daily living skills such as daily routines, hygiene, sleep, and feeding

Coaching is a collaboration between you, the parent or caregiver, and the clinician; often with your child present. During coaching, our goal is to understand you, your family, and your environment in order to improve your child’s social, emotional, and behavioral development. Caregiver coaching equips you with strategies to support your child, manage family dynamics, and help your family thrive.

Shape your skills.